Amanda Lee Swanson
About Amanda Lee Swanson
Meet Amanda, a native of Minneapolis and one of the most spirited writers here at VIPfortunes. Graduating with a Bachelor's degree in Architecture from Dunwoody College of Technology in 2023, Amanda is now one of the most productive writers for our news division. Bringing her passion for Architecture to her writing, it is crucial to her for her writing to carry structure and balance. While others in her position might tend to treat celebrity news as only gossip, she ensures her writing goes beyond the initial news. It's in her nature to dig deep and connect the dots, making her research stand out. To put it in her own words, “Humans are much more complex than the words written about them will have us believe.” Ever the rising star, Amanda has quickly made her mark here. While her sensitivity helps her remain unbiased, her fierceness gives authority to her writing. The two sides of her coin are as unique as they come.